Axial or direct load stiffness is expressed in the following way:


Axial or direct load stiffness is expressed in the following way:
Axial or direct load stiffness is expressed in the following way:
The Abbott Aerospace Technical Library is made possible by generous donations from our users. Please help us to maintain, improve and expand the library by making a contribution, giving us the means to expand our free technical library to include even more useful tools and references.
To make a one-time donation, select the PayPal button below. A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated.Who are you? We are the engineers from Abbott Aerospace UK Ltd.
Why do You do this for free? A lot of the library material does not originate with us so, with good conscience, we cannot charge for that part of the library. There are issues with commercializing the material that we create, copy protection, customer support and pricing at the right level. By making everything available free of charge it lets us concentrate on content.
How is the library funded? The library is funded using revenue from the engineering service side of Abbott Aerospace UK Ltd., and by the donations of the people who find the library useful.
What should I do if I think I see a copyright violation in any of the library materials? Please contact us immediately and give us specific information about your concern
What should I do if I think I find an error in any of the library materials? Please let us know immediately
I would like to help the library by volunteering my time. How do I do that? At the present time we are unable to accept any offers of help. In the future we would like to work with a group of volunteer engineers. At this time we have not developed the digital infrastructure to make this possible. You can help by making a donation of any size.
I would like to help by donating materials I have collected or created. How do I do that? Let us know what you have and if it meets our criteria we will gladly accept it and give you a name credit if you choose.
What is the acceptance criteria for the library? For any material to be added to the library it must me the following criteria