17,005 Documents in our Technical Library
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NASA-RP-1060 Subsonic Aircraft: Evolution and the Matching of Size to Performance
NASA-RP-1060 Subsonic Aircraft: Evolution and the Matching of Size to Performance
ADPO10769 Occurrence of Corrosion in Airframes
The purpose of this lecture is to provide an overview ...
MIL-STD-1759 Rivets and Rivet Type Fasteners Preferred for Design
The purpose of this book form standard is to provide ...
MIL-STD-810G Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
This standard contains materiel acquisition program planning and engineering direction ...


  • Version
  • 334.75 KB File Size
  • 4 File Count
  • June 13, 2016 Create Date
  • June 13, 2016 Last Updated
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AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Plates – Compression Buckling - Simple

Free Engineering Spreadsheets: Buckling of Flat Isotropic Plates – Compression Buckling - Simple. Note that the spreadsheet cells with blue ink are the input values - all other cells are either text or values generated by the spreadsheet


7 July 2016: Revision A uploaded: Improvements in Clarity, Panel edge fixity coefficient  on general tab is made clear and graph labels corrected

10 August 2016 - Rev B - Link to edge rotational restraint spreadsheet added and calculation removed

31 August 2016 - Rev C added, added links and included general corrections and improvements

AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Flanges - Compression Buckling - Simple - Rev C.xlsxDownload 
AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Flanges - Compression Buckling - Simple - Rev B.xlsxDownload 
AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Flanges - Compression Buckling - Simple - Rev A.xlsxDownload 
AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Flanges - Compression Buckling - Simple.xlsxDownload 

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  • Version
  • 334.75 KB File Size
  • 4 File Count
  • June 13, 2016 Create Date
  • June 13, 2016 Last Updated
Scroll for Details

AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Plates – Compression Buckling - Simple

Free Engineering Spreadsheets: Buckling of Flat Isotropic Plates – Compression Buckling - Simple. Note that the spreadsheet cells with blue ink are the input values - all other cells are either text or values generated by the spreadsheet


7 July 2016: Revision A uploaded: Improvements in Clarity, Panel edge fixity coefficient  on general tab is made clear and graph labels corrected

10 August 2016 - Rev B - Link to edge rotational restraint spreadsheet added and calculation removed

31 August 2016 - Rev C added, added links and included general corrections and improvements

AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Flanges - Compression Buckling - Simple - Rev C.xlsxDownload 
AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Flanges - Compression Buckling - Simple - Rev B.xlsxDownload 
AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Flanges - Compression Buckling - Simple - Rev A.xlsxDownload 
AA-SM-007-031 Buckling of Flat Isotropic Flanges - Compression Buckling - Simple.xlsxDownload 
17,005 Documents in our Technical Library
2507012 Total Downloads

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Newest Additions

NASA-RP-1060 Subsonic Aircraft: Evolution and the Matching of Size to Performance
NASA-RP-1060 Subsonic Aircraft: Evolution and the Matching of Size to Performance
ADPO10769 Occurrence of Corrosion in Airframes
The purpose of this lecture is to provide an overview ...
MIL-STD-1759 Rivets and Rivet Type Fasteners Preferred for Design
The purpose of this book form standard is to provide ...
MIL-STD-810G Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
This standard contains materiel acquisition program planning and engineering direction ...