The Endgame

A version of this article first appeared in our free newsletter, to subscribe click here.

I am hoping that this will be the last COVID post. I know, I know, I said this last time. Things have gone from stupid and destructive to full fascist in a way that no one, no one outside of certain government departments, could have predicted. And this post is not about COVID it is about what the government is now doing and saying, and this is where the truth starts to emerge and obscure the COVID related narrative.

I know that some of you (you wrote to me) thought that the use of the word fascist was inappropriate. So let’s look at what just happened.

The Thing that Happened

Something strange happened here in Canada. I am sure if you live in Canada you are familiar with either the media narrative or the reality, and those outside of Canada will no doubt have heard something of the infamous trucker protest and the government response.

If you watched any of the unedited live streams of the protest and then the police response, the media reporting and government action you would be confused.

A group of multi racial working class Canadians and military veterans peacefully and cheerfully gathered to petition their government on an important human rights issue – the human rights issue I defined in the last newsletter.

The media reported on a group of violent white nationalists and supremacists consisting of thieves, arsonists and insurrectionists holding the country hostage.
Sitting politicians in parliament stated that ‘Honk Honk’ because of the acronym “H, H” meant Heil Hitler and everyone who said the unmentionable phrase “Honk Honk” or sounded their horns were all Nazis praising Hitler.

The comically outrageous lies about the protest were part of the false justification of the use of the emergencies act, whereby the government assumes wartime powers. By the time the act was brought into force the only manifestation of the ‘emergency’ that remained was traffic congestion in Ottawa caused by citizens waiting to peacefully petition their government.

The Inexplicable Response of Racist Government Pearl Clutching

The Canadian government decided that a wartime level of emergency was required because of some partially blocked streets and parking offenses.

The government and media together did everything in their power to create the impression of a “January 6th” event to justify their response. In all honesty it was a pretty pathetic false flag event, not so much a Reichstag fire but more a series of friendly Canadian freedom barbecues.

The response was absurdly excessive and strangely racist. You can read the specific application of the emergencies act here: it is very short and makes an interesting read.

In the exemptions section, indigenous, refugees and asylum seekers are specifically immune to having their human rights and due process rights stripped by the government in this ‘emergency’.

I am not sure of the reasons for this other than it would be politically unpalatable for our glorious leaders to beat and drag off indigenous and refugee people. Everyone else – no problem, let the beatings begin! It is and was always about the optics. It was and is performative propaganda for the media to display.

After the application of the emergency act things got very strange indeed.

Almost immediately givesendgo was hacked, simultaneously the Canadian government announced that people who donated to a political cause they disagreed with could have their bank accounts frozen.

The government gave Canadian banks the power to do this unilaterally and immunized the banks against the normal legal consequence of the illegal seizure of property, more popularly known as theft. The banks then enthusiastically went about their new ‘law’ enforcement duties.

Canadian banks used data acquired via an illegal operation in a foreign country, and therefore of dubious provenance and legal validity, provided by the Canadian government to freeze the bank accounts of Canadians who had done nothing more than contribute to a registered charity or peacefully and legally assembled.

This was further worsened by the keen legal analysis of our ironically titled Justice minister, David Lametti, equating everyone who supported truckers to Trump supporters (Oh, the horror!) and using that alone as a justification for seizing people’s assets:

Shortly after this police were deployed to use violence to clear the protest in front of parliament and ‘arrested’ hundreds of people. It is almost certain that those people arrested will have the charges dropped or those charges will fail if they get in front of a court that follows legal standards of due process and evidence.

COVID, COVID everywhere…

During all of this the initial justification for all the human rights violations and restriction of civil liberties to date, COVID, was barely mentioned. The trucker protests where tens and hundreds of thousands of people gathered without masks, in some cases for days, caused no spike in cases. There was no sign of any super-spreader event, the hospitals were conspicuously underwhelmed in Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Quebec City and Vancouver.

It was almost as if once the government had a new pretext to accelerate the violation of human rights the previous justification was completely forgotten. Yet the federal COVID mandates and human rights violations remain.

The government has partially lifted the emergency powers act – it was never fully in force and it only passed the house of commons and was revoked unilaterally by the government when it looked like it was not going to pass the senate. The imposition of the powers were not justified and they were not ratified. There will be some interesting legal cases ahead. However some emergency powers have been retained and are still in force and none of the Federal level COVID mandates have been dropped.

Even the provincial governments in Canada have realized that Truckers were in the right and every province but one has announced the end of a timetable to lift almost all of the COVID related human and civil rights restrictions and violations. The provincial level politicians face an election in the next couple of years – not four years away as the federal politicians do.

Lessons Learned

The government lies and the Canadian media repeat and amplify the lies of the government in exchange for money. ( , ). This has been true for a while but it is now obvious to a much larger number of Canadians.

The Canadian banking system is private in name only. The banks are effectively a branch of the Canadian government. All the Canadian banks and Credit Unions were happy to follow the illegal commands of the government in violating property rights, due process and human rights of Canadians based on the Federal government’s promotion of illegally obtained evidence under an unjustifiable and unratified assumption of wartime powers. A Federally administered digital banking ID has been in the works since 2018 and was revitalized two weeks ago: ( ). So that’s all good then.

The government will procure and wield whatever power it possibly can in violation of international and national rights and laws. The government will continue to do this until this process is arrested by the citizenry. On a not entirely unconnected note the Canadian government has purchase agreements for 95 million doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine into 2023 and 2024 from with further purchase options for 300 million doses from a range of suppliers over the same period – this is for a country with a population of 37 million. ( ), the vaccine costs between $15 and $20 per shot (
At around 400m doses just for Canada alone, our deeply moral global pharmaceutical industry is set to receive a further $6,000,000,000 over two years, or 0.5% of total Canadian govt spending for each of those years, for a single medical issue. So no lobbying dollars at play or astonishing and extensive misuse of public funds there then.

We do not know exactly when ‘the science’ stopped mattering – or if it really ever mattered. For the Canadian provinces the science abruptly changed (‘cuz that’s how science works, kids!) when the ruling provincial oligarchs, sorry, politicians, realized that their mandate to violate our rights did actually rely on all those icky people voting for them in the near future. Thankfully they all realized they would have to continue to violate our rights in much more subtle ways in order to get our votes. I suppose we have to be grateful they did not cancel elections because of another fabricated racist emergency and just declared that we all needed to be made safe. There is nothing safer than seizing the assets and arresting anyone who doesn’t do exactly what they say when they say it.

We had totalitarian fascism in Canada for just over a week. If you can think of another way to describe it please let me know. As it is, we still have a warmer, kinder level of fascism carrying us into a bright new future. With our safe and secure government/corporate banking system where you can be ruined without due process with the press of a key, our extensive human rights and bioethics violations and continued astronomical wealth transfer from taxpayers to large corporations. We all know what will happen to us if we express dissent in any way that might prove effective. Shut up. Do what you’re told. Or else. These fine gentlemen from your friendly local constabulary in their attractive green uniforms are always available to beat the shit out of you, and the safety into you.

So this isn’t fascism? Go hug a cop!


I have not mentioned the lame attempt by a government subcontractor to entrap a bunch of people on the hacked givesendgo list into an online criminal conspiracy. Someone on the list contacted me directly and told me this has occurred multiple times. I hope this is the last time I feel compelled to write about ‘COVID’. As I wrote at the start, this post wasn’t about COVID. It turns out it probably never was.

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The Endgame

A version of this article first appeared in our free newsletter, to subscribe click here.

I am hoping that this will be the last COVID post. I know, I know, I said this last time. Things have gone from stupid and destructive to full fascist in a way that no one, no one outside of certain government departments, could have predicted. And this post is not about COVID it is about what the government is now doing and saying, and this is where the truth starts to emerge and obscure the COVID related narrative.

I know that some of you (you wrote to me) thought that the use of the word fascist was inappropriate. So let’s look at what just happened.

The Thing that Happened

Something strange happened here in Canada. I am sure if you live in Canada you are familiar with either the media narrative or the reality, and those outside of Canada will no doubt have heard something of the infamous trucker protest and the government response.

If you watched any of the unedited live streams of the protest and then the police response, the media reporting and government action you would be confused.

A group of multi racial working class Canadians and military veterans peacefully and cheerfully gathered to petition their government on an important human rights issue – the human rights issue I defined in the last newsletter.

The media reported on a group of violent white nationalists and supremacists consisting of thieves, arsonists and insurrectionists holding the country hostage.
Sitting politicians in parliament stated that ‘Honk Honk’ because of the acronym “H, H” meant Heil Hitler and everyone who said the unmentionable phrase “Honk Honk” or sounded their horns were all Nazis praising Hitler.

The comically outrageous lies about the protest were part of the false justification of the use of the emergencies act, whereby the government assumes wartime powers. By the time the act was brought into force the only manifestation of the ‘emergency’ that remained was traffic congestion in Ottawa caused by citizens waiting to peacefully petition their government.

The Inexplicable Response of Racist Government Pearl Clutching

The Canadian government decided that a wartime level of emergency was required because of some partially blocked streets and parking offenses.

The government and media together did everything in their power to create the impression of a “January 6th” event to justify their response. In all honesty it was a pretty pathetic false flag event, not so much a Reichstag fire but more a series of friendly Canadian freedom barbecues.

The response was absurdly excessive and strangely racist. You can read the specific application of the emergencies act here: it is very short and makes an interesting read.

In the exemptions section, indigenous, refugees and asylum seekers are specifically immune to having their human rights and due process rights stripped by the government in this ‘emergency’.

I am not sure of the reasons for this other than it would be politically unpalatable for our glorious leaders to beat and drag off indigenous and refugee people. Everyone else – no problem, let the beatings begin! It is and was always about the optics. It was and is performative propaganda for the media to display.

After the application of the emergency act things got very strange indeed.

Almost immediately givesendgo was hacked, simultaneously the Canadian government announced that people who donated to a political cause they disagreed with could have their bank accounts frozen.

The government gave Canadian banks the power to do this unilaterally and immunized the banks against the normal legal consequence of the illegal seizure of property, more popularly known as theft. The banks then enthusiastically went about their new ‘law’ enforcement duties.

Canadian banks used data acquired via an illegal operation in a foreign country, and therefore of dubious provenance and legal validity, provided by the Canadian government to freeze the bank accounts of Canadians who had done nothing more than contribute to a registered charity or peacefully and legally assembled.

This was further worsened by the keen legal analysis of our ironically titled Justice minister, David Lametti, equating everyone who supported truckers to Trump supporters (Oh, the horror!) and using that alone as a justification for seizing people’s assets:

Shortly after this police were deployed to use violence to clear the protest in front of parliament and ‘arrested’ hundreds of people. It is almost certain that those people arrested will have the charges dropped or those charges will fail if they get in front of a court that follows legal standards of due process and evidence.

COVID, COVID everywhere…

During all of this the initial justification for all the human rights violations and restriction of civil liberties to date, COVID, was barely mentioned. The trucker protests where tens and hundreds of thousands of people gathered without masks, in some cases for days, caused no spike in cases. There was no sign of any super-spreader event, the hospitals were conspicuously underwhelmed in Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Quebec City and Vancouver.

It was almost as if once the government had a new pretext to accelerate the violation of human rights the previous justification was completely forgotten. Yet the federal COVID mandates and human rights violations remain.

The government has partially lifted the emergency powers act – it was never fully in force and it only passed the house of commons and was revoked unilaterally by the government when it looked like it was not going to pass the senate. The imposition of the powers were not justified and they were not ratified. There will be some interesting legal cases ahead. However some emergency powers have been retained and are still in force and none of the Federal level COVID mandates have been dropped.

Even the provincial governments in Canada have realized that Truckers were in the right and every province but one has announced the end of a timetable to lift almost all of the COVID related human and civil rights restrictions and violations. The provincial level politicians face an election in the next couple of years – not four years away as the federal politicians do.

Lessons Learned

The government lies and the Canadian media repeat and amplify the lies of the government in exchange for money. ( , ). This has been true for a while but it is now obvious to a much larger number of Canadians.

The Canadian banking system is private in name only. The banks are effectively a branch of the Canadian government. All the Canadian banks and Credit Unions were happy to follow the illegal commands of the government in violating property rights, due process and human rights of Canadians based on the Federal government’s promotion of illegally obtained evidence under an unjustifiable and unratified assumption of wartime powers. A Federally administered digital banking ID has been in the works since 2018 and was revitalized two weeks ago: ( ). So that’s all good then.

The government will procure and wield whatever power it possibly can in violation of international and national rights and laws. The government will continue to do this until this process is arrested by the citizenry. On a not entirely unconnected note the Canadian government has purchase agreements for 95 million doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine into 2023 and 2024 from with further purchase options for 300 million doses from a range of suppliers over the same period – this is for a country with a population of 37 million. ( ), the vaccine costs between $15 and $20 per shot (
At around 400m doses just for Canada alone, our deeply moral global pharmaceutical industry is set to receive a further $6,000,000,000 over two years, or 0.5% of total Canadian govt spending for each of those years, for a single medical issue. So no lobbying dollars at play or astonishing and extensive misuse of public funds there then.

We do not know exactly when ‘the science’ stopped mattering – or if it really ever mattered. For the Canadian provinces the science abruptly changed (‘cuz that’s how science works, kids!) when the ruling provincial oligarchs, sorry, politicians, realized that their mandate to violate our rights did actually rely on all those icky people voting for them in the near future. Thankfully they all realized they would have to continue to violate our rights in much more subtle ways in order to get our votes. I suppose we have to be grateful they did not cancel elections because of another fabricated racist emergency and just declared that we all needed to be made safe. There is nothing safer than seizing the assets and arresting anyone who doesn’t do exactly what they say when they say it.

We had totalitarian fascism in Canada for just over a week. If you can think of another way to describe it please let me know. As it is, we still have a warmer, kinder level of fascism carrying us into a bright new future. With our safe and secure government/corporate banking system where you can be ruined without due process with the press of a key, our extensive human rights and bioethics violations and continued astronomical wealth transfer from taxpayers to large corporations. We all know what will happen to us if we express dissent in any way that might prove effective. Shut up. Do what you’re told. Or else. These fine gentlemen from your friendly local constabulary in their attractive green uniforms are always available to beat the shit out of you, and the safety into you.

So this isn’t fascism? Go hug a cop!


I have not mentioned the lame attempt by a government subcontractor to entrap a bunch of people on the hacked givesendgo list into an online criminal conspiracy. Someone on the list contacted me directly and told me this has occurred multiple times. I hope this is the last time I feel compelled to write about ‘COVID’. As I wrote at the start, this post wasn’t about COVID. It turns out it probably never was.

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