Critical cultural and nation changing decisions are being made for us without any consultation with us. This has crept into our societies over such a long period of time that we now accept it as normal.
Any consultation that is asked for by the population is decried as ‘right wing’ or ‘populist’ and that consultation rarely happens and then only after years of pressure. If a vote is held and it goes against the established narrative it is generally purposefully and grossly mismanaged and the dysfunction of the result is then blamed on the choice made by the misinformed electorate. If the wrong leader is selected they are either removed or handicapped while in office and prevented from running again.
It is clear that ‘populist’ is just any popular position that does not comply with the desires and aims of those placed in power over us.
The partnership of statists and corporatists (AKA the blob) have been in charge of the institutions in the west for a long time. For the last 30 years the political left has been completely co-opted by the blob (this is why any opposition to the blob is called right wing – it gets the leftist activist base all excited about the imagined enemy). The blob wears the ‘left’ like an old skinsuit.
It is fun to watch the blob actually persist with a policy position that the left disagrees with – vis a vis Israel. It is one of the few times that the left has had to march in opposition to a policy rather than advocacy for more of a particular policy – more green, more gay, more safety, more control, more minority privilege. And they do like a good march…
For example, mass immigration at its current scale in the UK is almost universally unpopular amongst the indigenous population. Both the historically left blob and right blob parties claim to have a plan to bring it under control but nobody actually believes them. The current blob party in power has massively increased immigration over the unprecedented increase in immigration that the other blob party began years ago. The current blob purports to have a policy to correct the problem and despite having a total and legal monopoly of control over immigration they claim to be utterly helpless in the implementation of the policy. The situation is absurd, the people in power are absurd and it is absurd that this is the new normal.
Welcome to the blob.
Let’s give the usual caveats – immigration is not a bad thing. We have been legal immigrants in a few countries and enjoyed the benefits but also integrated and contributed to those countries.
But let’s also be clear. Mass immigration without integration is a disaster for everyone and creates multiple parallel societies with unnecessary imported factional conflict and violence.
Unrestricted multiculturalism actively degrades the indigenous culture of the country undergoing mass migration and uncritically celebrates all aspects of the imported culture regardless of its conflict with the indigenous culture, other imported cultures or even the legality of the practices of the imported culture. Multiculturalism destroys social cohesion and creates chaos.
The pre-emptive justification for this is that any failure to accept the imported cultural practices of the immigrant and assign them either equal or greater importance than the indigenous culture is branded racist and oppressive. This narrative is pervasive and in many instances promotion of the indigenous culture or expression of a preference for the indigenous culture is suppressed and even criminalized.
This has gone so far that illegal immigrants who are in overt contravention of immigration law by crossing the border in an explicitly criminal manner are offered state benefits greater than the indigenous population could ever expect.
The blob cares about cheap labor and consumers for their corporations and votes they can rely on in order to maintain the thin veneer of blob ‘democratic’ legitimacy.
You know how much the blob values citizenship because they will give it away to literally anyone, including criminals, to stay in power and achieve their personal power and financial goals.
This is very bad for legal immigrants of any culture and even worse for legal immigrants who have done their best to integrate into the indigenous culture.
This is happening universally and simultaneously in what used to be referred to as ‘The West’ – Continental Europe, the UK and North America.
The blob exhibits identical behavior in every jurisdiction that it rules over.
This is not a conspiracy, it is stated and published, it is a clearly and obviously coordinated very public policy action. This is done in the open. It is celebrated and promoted by the blob and the supporters of the blob. If you point it out regardless of the very public nature of their actions the blob will label you a right wing conspiracy theorist.
It is not so much the emperor wearing no clothes, so much as the emperor wearing a T-shirt that says “f*ck you” and somehow anyone that points out what the T-shirt has written on it is promoting a racist conspiracy.
We do live in interesting times.
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